Well, I held off on trying this one… not just for the three week time frame that I typically wait, but because I am not always as enthusiastic about rooibos as I am tea. But, since autumn is on its way, I figured it was about time that I open the pouch and give it a try.
It smells amazing.
It tastes pretty good too. Rooibos isn’t my favorite base (as I’ve said many times), but, together with the cinnamon, vanilla and honey flavors, it really is delicious. I taste the woody-nutty flavor of the rooibos, but not that funky-weird artificial-sweetener aftertaste that I sometimes taste when I drink rooibos. Instead, the finish is sweet, with a honey-esque tone that seems to rest upon the palate in the aftertaste … with just a hint of warm cinnamon.
This is quite tasty.