Wow… just… wow! This is one of the most unique Darjeeling teas I’ve encountered in a long time. In my full-length review of this tea (which will publish sometime next week on the SororiTea Sisters blog), I call this the lovechild of a union between Darjeeling and Assam. Because it has a richer, “thicker” taste and feel to it that is almost malty. It’s almost Assam-like. Make no mistake, this is a Darjeeling tea. It has the qualities I’d expect from a Darjeeling. It is light-bodied, it has that fruit and flower taste. It has a musky undertone. But there is something more to this… a sort of thicker … mouthfeel and flavor. It is somewhat creamy and smooth and while it is not quite like an Assam, it is very reminiscent of an Assam.
I’m really liking this one a lot. Thanks to TeaEqualsBliss for sending it to me.