I am drinking this tea right now. And i’d like to start off by saying the reason I say More chocolate, more, more, more … is because more chocolate = better.
My first couple of sips were a little muddied because the tea was still a wee bit too hot. So I let it cool (it’s really difficult to be patient and wait for the tea to cool when it’s chocolate, you know?) After letting it cool to a drinkable temperature I started sipping again.
A really yummy, chocolate-y tea. I still think that cacao shells would make this better. I just really like the chocolate-y flavor that the cacao shells deliver.
This IS a really chocolate-y tea, though. The honeybush is tasted and adds a little bit of nutty flavor to the cup which is kind of nice for the brownie batter taste. I find that the chocolate-y flavors develop as I sip, now that I’m nearly toward the bottom of my cup I’m experiencing a lot more chocolate-y flavors than I did at the start.
Really yummy!