Beautiful green, tightly wound pellets that unfurl in my hot water … what could be more relaxing than watching a Ti Kuan Yin brew in my gaiwan? One of my favorite afternoon activities.
This Ti Kuan Yin from Ocean of Tea is absolutely lovely. Very flavorful, with beautiful creamy notes. I found myself surprised at how much flavor the first cup (infusions 1 and 2) offered, because it is usually the softest tasting cup. But for a delicate taste – there’s a whole lot of flavor in that cup! Sweet with notes of apricot, and creamy notes, floral notes.
Later infusions brought development of the aforementioned apricot, and the floral notes developed into an orchid-like flavor. Notes of vanilla! A soft and silky tea.
A really lovely Ti Kuan Yin! I recommend it.
Here’s my full-length review:
That one sounds delicious. I’ve never heard of Ocean of Tea. I’ll have to check them out.