Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this tea.
I started brewing this right before I stepped outside to get the mail. I came inside just as the tea had finished brewing, so I removed the bag, and started to look through the mail. I got some tea (yay, Matcha!) and then some rather unsettling news. So, I found myself stressing out about this, and totally distracted from my freshly brewed cup of tea. I didn’t even take a tester sip of it to see if I needed to add a pinch of sugar to it (I always test the tea, and usually, it doesn’t need it.) so when I got back to the cup about 45 minutes later, it was quite a bit cooler but fortunately it did not need anything added to it. I didn’t think it would, I don’t usually need to add anything to my teas. But sometimes, with the edger teas, I find that they go down smoother with a pinch of sugar.
But I digress. Now, it is quite cold. But, it is still quite tasty. It is a little sweet with a strong, vegetative taste. A touch of fruity taste toward mid-sip through to the finish. I like that this is a little more savory than sweet, but enough contrast between the two to keep it lively and interesting.