Yesterday, I received a HUGE box from my SororiTea Sister (aka TeaEqualsBliss), so I have her to thank for many of the teas that I will be tasting over the next few weeks. Yay! Tea!
This is the first of the teas that I’m trying from said box. I mean… hello? Jasmine? Oolong? New company I’ve not tried before? Yep, that’s got ME written all over it.
So, I got out my beloved Jasmine Yixing mug. I’ve three yixing mugs, one for Alishan Oolongs, one for Jasmine teas (except for jasmine black teas), and one for My Precious yellow teas. I love my Yixing Mugs, and I love that they’re dedicated to one tea. It makes it a little more special when I brew one of these three teas.
This Jasmine Oolong is amazingly good. The jasmine is sweet and tastes so pure and natural. No icky perfume-y taste here. Just simple, subtle, DREAMY jasmine notes. For those who don’t like jasmine, you should try this tea. While I am always quick to note that not every tea is for every palate, I believe that more often than not, those who think they do not like jasmine have simply tasted an ill-prepared jasmine. For good jasmine flavor, the jasmine blossoms should be layered with the tea in the early stages of processing, allowing the essence of the jasmine flower to be absorbed by the newly harvested tea leaf and not added as a flavoring oil after the tea has been processed.
Now, I shall step off my jasmine soap box and remark upon the beauty of this tea. It is soft and silky. Absolutely lovely. Perfect. I love this.
I have one xiying teapot just for wiyi oolongs. I got another one today for sheng pu-erh. I think I need a third for shu. :)
I don’t have the teapots, I must admit that I love my gaiwans for brewing too much to stray from them. But, I do love my Yixing Mugs.
@ScottTeaMan: If memory serves me, I purchased my first two on ebay when Jade Teapot was going out of business. The third one I found on my trip to Arizona a couple of years ago, but I don’t remember the shop in which I found it.
I have one xiying teapot just for wiyi oolongs. I got another one today for sheng pu-erh. I think I need a third for shu. :)
Where did you get your Yixing Amy??
I don’t have the teapots, I must admit that I love my gaiwans for brewing too much to stray from them. But, I do love my Yixing Mugs.
Where do you buy your Yixing mugs Liberteas??
I got mine in Chinatown today. It was a real bargain, I will do a blog about it soon. :-)
Can’t wait, but I guess I’ll have too.
@ScottTeaMan: If memory serves me, I purchased my first two on ebay when Jade Teapot was going out of business. The third one I found on my trip to Arizona a couple of years ago, but I don’t remember the shop in which I found it.
Am delighted that you loved this tea! Thank you!
And another one goes on the shopping list! ;)