I like this one very much! With my first couple of sips, I thought, hmm… this is pretty good, but, where is the chilli? But, after those first couple of sips, the heat began to develop on the back of the tongue and into the throat, providing a gentle burn. It isn’t TOO spicy, not so spicy that I find it overwhelming the other flavors of the chai. I especially like that I can taste the vanilla tones to this, which really adds a delicious contrast to the spicy heat of the chilli.
Very nicely done.
This sounds really yummy. Dylan particularly enjoys spicey things. I’ll have to check this one out. Thanks for the review.
I wonder how this compares to the Seattle Spicy Chai from MarketSpice. It was so peppery that Missy couldn’t drink it.
This sounds really yummy. Dylan particularly enjoys spicey things. I’ll have to check this one out. Thanks for the review.
I wonder how this compares to the Seattle Spicy Chai from MarketSpice. It was so peppery that Missy couldn’t drink it.
a decent amount of heat
i like it too