This isn’t the first time I’ve tried this tea, I actually tried it some time last week, but I forgot to log it.
This was a very unexpected tea, mostly because I failed to read the description or the list of ingredients. I purchased it based solely upon the name Butter Truffle. My sweet tooth could not resist the name.
But that is not to say that I’m disappointed, because this is rather delightful. It has more of a savory quality than I expected, but, it is quite nice. I’m loving the smoky tones of the cumin and the warm peppery notes, as well as the hints of sweetness from the almonds, pistachios and hints of citrus.
wow, that sounds just like Carnival by Sanctuary T (which I love). Same ingredients and everything! Has anyone compared both? Are one or both of the companies reselling from elsewhere?
wow, that sounds just like Carnival by Sanctuary T (which I love). Same ingredients and everything! Has anyone compared both? Are one or both of the companies reselling from elsewhere?
It’s quite possible that they are the same tea… I have not tried them side by side though.