This is another one I found at the back of my cupboard. I bought it in 2015, so it’s technically an “aged” white tea! I steeped about 4-5 g, enough to fill a 120 ml teapot to the brim, at 185F for 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, and 240 seconds.
In the pot, this tea smelled like old books, linen, and medicinal funk. It brewed up sweeter than I expected, with notes of linen, honey, soybeans, ripe bananas, and herbs. (I’ve never had an aged white before, so this is kind of a shot in the dark.) The medicinal quality came through on the aftertaste. As the session progressed, a hint of malt began to appear, along with a metallic tang in a few steeps. By the end, I was getting notes of lettuce and other veggies, though the linen and honey persisted.
This tea was a nice surprise. I’ll have to explore more aged white teas in the future—or just keep the ones I have for another few years.
Flavors: Herbaceous, Honey, Lettuce, Malt, Medicinal, Metallic, Soybean