This tea, to me, smells exactly like my strawberry rhubarb pie.

While my boyfriend thinks it’s disgusting to drink a desert, I find this tea delightful. I have steeped it both hot and cold.

When hot, I like to add a small shot of raw agave nectar, I find it brings out some of the strawberry flavour whereas sugar tends to bring out the beetroot in this tea.

Cold, I like to steep it hot first, to make a concentrated shot, and then add the colder water and add fresh tea leaves to continue steeping. I find this boosts the flavour a bit, as cold steeping alone left this tea a little weak for me.

I love to mix this one cold with a little bit of lemonade – really tangy and refreshing on a warm day.

Warm, this goes really well with a cold fruit flan. Brings out the fruit and contrasts with the creaminess of the flan.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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