An interesting and inexpensive tea (one 357 g cake was 25$ when I bought it, now 35$) from Kokang, Myanmar/Burma. I have had this many times now and it certainly has very floral taste combined with bitterness. Personally I found that the best amount to brew this is about 7 or 8 grams in 130 ml gaiwan and then proceed with quick rinse, flash steep, 10 seconds steep, then 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 40s, 1 min and so on. The tea became too bitter for me when I used more than 8 grams of tea or had longer steeps.
When brewed well, the floral taste was enjoyable and is certainly the redeeming side of this tea. Additionally I also preferred the first steeps over middle ones, as the flavour felt to be little more floral and only slightly bitter.
It will be interesting to see how this tea changes with age, but meanwhile I would recommend this if you prefer puer that tastes like your grandmas (bitter) flowerbed and want to experience something from unusual areas.Flavors: Bitter, Floral