A 12 days of Christmas tea from the box.
I bought a vintage (roughly 60’s) Italian Cyclo commuter bike today as my means of transport, my new house had lots of fields surrounding me and the nearest shops are some distance away. With a bit of tlc my new bike will get me to the shops and back in ease, it can also take me to my craft club and to visit my parents. Looks like it will be my new hobby next year.
This tea smells very sweet but more like apple than pear, it has an unnaturalness about it. Behind that there is a hint of cinnamon and spice, enough to be warming. As a whole it smells like an apple pie/tart but without the crust.
In flavour the black tea is thick and malty which over rides some of the sweetness, though again I still say it’s more apple like than pear though granted they are very similar anyway. The cinnamon is very gentle against the thick black base.
In essence it’s a black tea with a bit of flavour rather than a flavoured tea with some black. I think it would have been nicer with a lighter base such as a baked/dark Oolong.
It’s ok but nothing special, the black base prevents any greatness from this blend, it’s as though it was just a rushed creation made for cheapness sake. Despite that it is drinkable at least.
Yay for a new bike!