Thank you QueenOfTarts for this sample.
I have plucked up the courage to try this tea tonight before my husband gets home. It’s something I have considered trying even before I received a bag of it, I’m more savoury than sweet. But the idea of a cabbage and beetroot tea sounds….well disgusting and criminal.
The teabag smelled like dry cabbage soup mix, it was thick, sour and generally vegetal. It says to place the tea in 10oz (which is roughly 284ml) of boiling water and cover while it steeps for a minimum of 10 minutes. It also states that you can leave the bag in while you drink if you would like it stronger. So far I’m thinking EEEKKK!
The tea soup is now steeped and has turned dark beetroot red in colour. It has a closes eyes smelly sock odour mixed with old stale cabbage.
Well here goes nothing….
Pulls many different faces
Well at least it’s lighter in flavour than it is in scent. The cabbage and beetroot are both firmly present and are of equal strength but there is also a herbal after taste that I am unsure of. It lists mustard seed and coriander and it sort of does taste like dried coriander seeds but I’m not detecting anything mustard like at all.
Alright picture this…
You have steamed some cabbage leaves and have drained the water into a separate container. Then you add dry coriander seeds and shred small pieces of beetroot into this leftover cabbage water and bring to the boil for 10 minutes before serving. If that has you feeling hungry then perhaps this is the tea for you. If you are turning green and feel queezy then you may wish to stay clear of this one.
As for me it’s an experience and I’m thankful to have tried it but this particular flavour is not for me. While I love cabbage (I would eat it everyday if my IBS would let me) I am not overly keen on beetroot of any form. This is a no from me but as an additional note my kitten Sooty is might curious about it’s smell and he keeps charging in for quick sniffs.
Savory teas always remind me of drinking a cup of soup broth :)
Where does the line get drawn between tea and soup or broth I wonder. If you call it tea, you can charge more for it I suppose.
This sounds awful.