I keep looking at this tea on my shelf with interest as the ingredients sound very delicious and interesting, today is the day I give in to temptation and try it.
The mixture is very fragrant with a sweet and spicy finish, there is so much going on that it’s hard to pin point each different smell separately. I like that the apple chunks are fairly large as are the rest of the ingredients and it does look the same as the picture. I just worked out what the smell reminds me of…..mulled wine. Also the colour once brewed is dark peach.
Unfortunately there were no brewing instructions so I just brewed this one as a standard herbal tea, 3 minutes (since it smells strong) and fresh boiling water. I also used one and a half tea spoons of tea for this cup.
First few sips are very flavourful with apple, cinnamon, clove and cardamom being very predominant. I just keep thinking about mulled wine, it smells and tastes like it….perhaps this is a perfect Christmas blend.
I find the strength is about right for me so the standard brew was a success. Half way down the cup and the blend gets a little sweeter and the clove becomes refreshingly stronger. I’m not a fan of clove or cardamom but this blend is very nice, it’s fresh and there are other flavours going on (apple, cinnamon, ginger) so I can focus on one that I do like.
Wow this has made me feel the Christmas spirit in a tasty way. Very glad I took a chance with this one and I will be saving the rest of my blend for December.
You will like this tea if you like mulled wine, like anything that tastes christmasy or are a fan of strong herbal teas.