smells like a tieguanyin but with a deeper warm roundness to it. it steeped up very light and clear…. BUT. sigh. sometimes there is a but.
my ‘but’ is this: i don’t like this for the same reason i didn’t like turkey before i was allergic and lobster… there is a disconcerting sweetness that hits at just the wrong time.
it’s the tip of the tongue that detects sweetness. an argument could be made that i swallow in a strange manner and that’s why it hits at the time it does, or it could be down to individual physiology. there’s simply no way to know.
i will keep trying. i can tell you that verdant’s golden buds puerh is the most brilliant i’ve ever had if that explains anything to any budding tongue-ologists out there (couldn’t resist the pun).
nitty gritty: light, mild, sweet and smooth… just not for me (though i will keep trying).
you know what’s deleriously funny about NOT liking this tea? i was so upset (because verdant is one of my defacto awesomes) that i went and ordered some of my favourites to address the trauma, LMAO). perfect stress reaction for a student with a loan, huh? sheesh.