Ahhhhh. This is much more in line with what I like in a green tea. Sweet and peachy without a single flavoring or additive. There is a slight vegetal undertone, but it’s very pleasant.

I’m on my second steep now :) Slightly sweeter. Very delightful. It’s funny how tea experiences differ – even within a single tea in a single tin. Although I did what I thought was the same exact thing, this second steep is much sweeter than it was the last time I had this tea. I think that’s one of the reasons I find tea so enjoyable – the unpredictability and the elusiveness. We can try to set the scene just right, but just like life – you never know exactly what is going to happen. Sometimes the same thing is more delightful than at other times. Sometimes you oversteep and it’s forgiving, sometimes a total disaster – cup down the drain. This may make people uncomfortable – I guess they are the soda drinkers, literally and figuratively!

I think I’ll make one more steep :)

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Show 4 previous comments...
~lauren. 15 years ago

Enjoy your tea notes a lot but also, I am enjoying the names of these teas! Green Snail Spring and another person logged China Hairy Crab Oolong!

JacquelineM 15 years ago

Click on the photo of the tea – they look like wee adorable lil snails! So very aptly named :)

JacquelineM 15 years ago

although I don’t think I wanna see a hairy crab tea leaf – ooooh!

Dan 15 years ago

I really like the prices of their samples. Its so easy to try teas.

~lauren. 15 years ago

I’ve not had a chance to try Upton Teas yet – something to look forward to!

~lauren. 15 years ago

OMGoodness, just took a gander at the photo of your tea and YUP, looks like SNAIL! LOL

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~lauren. 15 years ago

Enjoy your tea notes a lot but also, I am enjoying the names of these teas! Green Snail Spring and another person logged China Hairy Crab Oolong!

JacquelineM 15 years ago

Click on the photo of the tea – they look like wee adorable lil snails! So very aptly named :)

JacquelineM 15 years ago

although I don’t think I wanna see a hairy crab tea leaf – ooooh!

Dan 15 years ago

I really like the prices of their samples. Its so easy to try teas.

~lauren. 15 years ago

I’ve not had a chance to try Upton Teas yet – something to look forward to!

~lauren. 15 years ago

OMGoodness, just took a gander at the photo of your tea and YUP, looks like SNAIL! LOL

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I love to cook, bake, read, paint, knit, do needlework, and garden. I need my coffee, but I LOVE my tea. I work at an Art School, and attend a large public university doing post-bac work (my BA is in English). I’m interested in the liminal spaces between art and craft, the academic and the practical, the individual and community, and the old and the new. I’m currently exploring these ideas through the disciplines of education, literature, history, and psychology.

I enjoy writing tasting notes, but have decided not to numerically rate teas as of 9/14/10. For an explanation, see my looooong tasting note about Mountain Malt from the Simple Leaf.

My favorites:
Chinese black teas
A good “milk and sugar” English style black
Earl Grey (classic, and in all variations!)
Vanilla teas (classic, and in all variations!)
Jasmine, Rose, Violet and other froofy, flowery teas!
An Occasional Oolong
Flavored Rooibos
Herbal Tisanes


Collingswood, NJ



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