This is one of the more different teas I’ve had. The flowers come dried, and the steeping instructions are in flower amounts.
For hot tea, I went with 14 flowers dude to my size of teapot at 208 degrees. After letting it steep for 8 minutes the liquid was a dark blue. It looked wonderful in my glass teacup!
The taste is vegetal with a florally sweet aftertaste. It is very mild, even after an 8 minute steep. It’s a good taste and it is an interesting alternative to the usual teas.
Next, I decided to brew some and allow it to cool in my refrigerator. The I poured it into a clear glass and added some lemon juice. It did turn into an amazing dark purple! It was really cool! The taste of the tea now cool was very similar to the hot tea, but stronger. It was rather bland for my taste, perhaps interesting as a base for other teas. Adding the lemon juice and sugar gave it a sweet taste that pairs with the floral sweetness well.