This is my first young raw pu-erh and I feel very enthisiastic.
As a newbie on pu-erh teas I was just tried only 1999 raw pu-erh and Liu Bao by GrandTea and I was mostly drinking just ripe pu-erhs.

This one really surprised me, well…I read other reviews about this tea and I should expect such notes; but I felt surprised anyway.
That’s beacuse I was just get used to tasting classic notes on aged Raw Pu-erh, Ripe Pu-erh and Liu Bao. _

I like so much the cake, it’s a beautiful mosaic of leaves and buds, with green and beige colours.
Before brewing it for the first time I waited a month, and after this time I noticed that these dry leaves smeels a bit fruity. :P

I used 5 g for 100 ml; I rinsed for 10 sec and than brewed for 15’’, 20’’, 30’’, 45’’, 1’, 1’30’’, 2’. 3’, etc….until 30 minutes.

The liquor has a golden yellow colour and it’s clear, with a creamy body .
It immediately release his sweet, vegetal (seaweed), fruity (apricot) aromas.
In the mouth feel these notes, plus herbal, and, secondly, also floral notes; sometimes I taste a little bit of astingency.
It leaves a good vegetal-fruity aftertaste, it’s a very vivacious tea.

After many brewings it start to die, but the fruity notes keeps on and it’s a very pleasure drinking it also after a 30 minutes of brewing.
I can’t get tired of this. _

This is a 50 g cake received by KittyLovesTea from an her giveaway. :3

Flavors: Apricot, Astringent, Creamy, Floral, Fruity, Seaweed, Sweet, Vegetal

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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Hi everyone!
I’m a begginer, I’m still exploring this vast world of tea by reading books, tea blogs, reviews and discussions on Steepster, and of course by drinking as much new types of tea as possible.

I love green teas from China (except teas like Gunpowder, Chun Mee..), and Japan.
In my cupboard there must be always present some Sencha and any chinese green tea which has apricot or vegetable notes.
I’m very curious to try teas from South Korea, but for now I had the pleasure to try only Woojeon green tea.

I also like roasted oolong, red tea, yellow tea, white tea which only recently I restarted to drink it (I had a bad experience in the past with a very bad quality of Pai Mu Tan).
But, ehi, also some light oxidaized oolong are not bad, I’m starting to like them too! XD

I’m new on Pu-erh and Hei-cha teas from april 2016 and I already love them; surely I need more experience and more tastings but it’s sure that I’ll never leave them anymore.

What about (white, green, black…) teas from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, etc? For now I’m not focusing my personal growth on teas with them. I’m not a big lover of indian black teas, but I’m slowly starting to appreciate them too.

I hardly drink flavored teas, herbal/tisanes, while I completely dislike Jasmine Green Tea and Earl Grey.

Sorry for any grammar or lexical mistakes.. """"( ._.)

The most WOW teas in 2016 which made me thrilled:
- “White Down Silver Needle – Zheng He” from Grand Tea
- “Liu Bao” from Grand Tea
- “Fou Shou Shan AAAA Spring 2016” from Teaway
- “Raw Pu-erh Simao 1999” from Grand Tea
- “2016 Spring Mengsong Raw Puer” from White2Tea




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