This tea is like a favorite sweater, or a particularly comfortable blanket, or snuggling down into your bed after a long day. It just breathes comfort and goodness.

It’s been my go-to during tough times. It makes me smile, which puts me back into an upbeat and cheerful place. Can a tea be magic? If so, this one is.

My only complaints are that I burn through it so quickly and how the taste changes on resteeping. The first cup is heaven, then it develops a coffee-like flavor. If you are trying to make the switch from coffee to tea, then perhaps add this one to your shopping list.

Terri HarpLady

I’ve narrowed it down to 2 steeps:
One Tbls for 3 minutes
Resteep for 5 minutes
I love love love it!
Anything beyond that starts tasting beany to me.

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Terri HarpLady

I’ve narrowed it down to 2 steeps:
One Tbls for 3 minutes
Resteep for 5 minutes
I love love love it!
Anything beyond that starts tasting beany to me.

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I’m a lady who loves tea and writing online reviews. I feel like Steepster was made for me, I’m just late to the party.

I teach young kids with special needs, which I love to do. Tea keeps me happy, energized, and sane!


The Bay



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