drank Bedtime by Yogi
122 tasting notes

This is one of those ‘take it like medicine’ teas for me. Yogi always uses so much licorice in their darn blends! They could make licorice-free versions and make me very happy. What keeps me coming back to Yogi (besides how effective the teas are) are the little messages printed on the tags. Good Earth Teas used to do that, but now they have plain white tags. Tonight’s tea fortune is “Real happiness lies in that which never comes nor goes, but simply is.”

A little philosophy with your tea, I like it.

The tea smells good but the taste is pure licorice. Oh snap, stevia? I knew this tasted sweet. Yuck. Like I said, take it like medicine! Hopefully good night soon.

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I’m a lady who loves tea and writing online reviews. I feel like Steepster was made for me, I’m just late to the party.

I teach young kids with special needs, which I love to do. Tea keeps me happy, energized, and sane!


The Bay



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