The original Oh Canada blend from DavidsTea has the best maple cream flavor and I have hoarded a large amount of it. The original has no chunks of fruit in it, just lots of rooibos, a few maple leaf shaped sprinkles, and tons of maple cream scent and flavor. The new Oh Canada is mostly chunks of dried fruit and has a weird cinnamon taste. Maple Syrup Oolong tastes closer to the original Oh Canada. Maple Syrup Oolong has almost no oolong pieces in the 100g I purchased, and it appears to be mostly dried apples, raisins and nut pieces (the chicory root?). So this gets closer to the taste of the original Oh Canada than the current iteration of it. It’s like a softer, lighter maple cream taste with nutty undertones. Reminds me a bit of Forever Nuts as well, because of that nutty impression. Still, I miss the intense maple flavor of the original Oh Canada.