Following 5 Tea Drinkers

DAVIDsTEA 827 followers

Welcome to our Steepster page, where we post sneak peeks, reviews and tasting...

LiberTEAS 1040 followers

I am obsessed with tea! I am a co-founder of the SororiTEA Sisters: http://so...

GiggleGoddess 40 followers

I live in Boise, Idaho…home of the Boise State Broncos:) I’m a newbie to the...

Meowkattack 86 followers

Dessert Tea Lover. Massive Iced Tea Drinker. Mate Obsessed. Hula Hooper. Go-G...

Josie Jade 200 followers

Just a Southern girl who loves sunshine, little dogs and all things tea! I lo...



Political Science and History student relying on teas to get through readings, exams, paper writing, and general life issues.


Halifax, NS



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