Followed by 32 Tea Drinkers

TeaEqualsBliss 1788 followers

Near Vegan. Tea Lover. Yoga. Crafter. Music. Sports. Travel. Radio. ...

Southern Boy Teas 756 followers

FUN organic flavored iced teas for folks who love iced tea!

IdentiTEA 111 followers

I am a 26 year old college graduate with a BA in Marketing. I also have an A...

gmathis 565 followers

Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, p...

Cofftea 476 followers

Are you a company or tea blender on sites like Adagio that would you like you...

Rijje 117 followers

Many things can be said about me, but I rather not go into details… Other tha...

Ricky 274 followers

Hiya! I am always up for sharing my tea with others. If you’re interested in ...

JacquelineM 607 followers

I love to cook, bake, read, paint, knit, do needlework, and garden. I need my...

AmazonV 408 followers

I love caffeine! I prefer tea to coffee. I prefer my flavors to be in your fa...

Geoffrey Norman 207 followers

I moonlight as a procrastinating writer and daylight as a trader of jack. I a...



I always loved teas but have been afraid to try new flavors. I was the gal who would go to a tea room hoping to try something new, and then for the fear of not liking it – order my same old green tea with mint!

But my new years resolution is to change that…to give every tea a chance and to review it on steepster ;)


New York

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