This tea has quite an aroma. The leaf consists of long light tendrils loosely entwined together in a beautiful mess. I picked up wonderful scents of sweet strawberries, blueberries, apricot, golden sap, and a semi sweet tang in the foundation. A lovely treat for the senses. I warmed my gaiwan up and slipped some inside. The smell expands to crystallized winter honey, ripe apricot, and kumquat. I washed the leaves and prepared for brewing. I regret to inform you that the aromas have enthralled you, but it doesn’t give any more. The brew seems to lead up to a grand finale with its aroma and aesthetic appearance, but it does not deliver the goods when the moment comes to shine. The brew begins raindrop lightly sweet with a slight huigan. The leaves carry a nice body of soft yellow fruits. The background brings up tastes of cedar. The bitterness present will persistently ease in and out along with a companion of astringency. This creates a contrasting palette factor after each sip. Now, to return to my previous point, I am in no way discrediting the tea, but for me it lead up to an empty show. The tea was decent, but it was off-putting or disappointing. The qi was nonexistent. The best I felt was a relaxed buzz. Personally, I drink pu for qi, and this tea did not deliver.
Flavors: Apricot, Blueberry, Cedar, Floral, Stonefruit, Strawberry, Sweet, Winter Honey
I thought it was very oily. It wasn’t high in energy like you said, but I was still a fan :p
I only picked up very light tones. I didn’t hate it,but it was so subtle.