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This is a beautiful tea. The long slender embers give off a raisin and stone fruit aroma. The dry leaf is so inviting. I brewed this heavy and placed the tendrils in my warmed gaiwan. I gave them a shake. The aroma wafted from my gaiwan and created an exquisite atmosphere. First, I could hint at sweet white grapes. Then, this tone deepens into a tang of smooth wet wood. Lastly, there was a background of a campfire that had been extinguished by the rain. I knew that this would be a soft roasted oolong, and that I must pay close attention to it. I washed the leaves once and prepared for brewing. The steeped leaves give off a sweet rocky scent. The liquor is a tarnished gold. This is a sweet DHP. If you are seeking a rough roasted heavy DHP, then you need look elsewhere. This brew focuses on soft, earth, and nature tones. The taste begins with forest tones. I can take in wet wood, slight earth, and reminiscence of wildflowers. Then, it becomes more rigid with shale, wet moss, and light char. The brew leaves a thick mouth coating that is sweet with minerals. This aftertaste lasts well after drinking. The flavor is packed with minerals. If a rocky waterfall had a flavor it would be this. I’ve done a lot of gorge climbing, and this reminds me of the taste from the mist off the rocks. It’s sweet, rough, and gritty. Also, this brew carries a relaxing and uplifting qi that sneaks up on you. The steeped leaves are a dark olive color that look oily in the gaiwan. I thoroughly enjoyed this session. I have been on the hunt for a perfect DHP. Although, this isn’t my fitting Big Red Robe, this is as close as I’ve ever come. I am so grateful for this brew.


Flavors: Flowers, Forest Floor, Limestone, Mineral, Smooth, Sweet, Wet Rocks, White Grapes

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 15 sec 7 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

I love DHP’s

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I love DHP’s

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Young and experienced Tea consumer. I’m continuously learning and developing knowledge about tea. If I have learned anything at all from the world of tea it is that I do not know anything about the world of tea. I enjoy good tea, and I try to acquire the best of the best. I usually brew gongfu but I’ve been known from time to time to resort back to western brewing.

I have an Instagram (haveteawilltravel), and I am proud of my photographs. I use my pictures in my reviews,and I hope that they aid in portraying the beauty of tea and teaware.


Tea Rating System:
I rate my teas based on the category they fall into (Puer, Red, Oolong, Darjeeing, Flushes, Yancha… etc.)
This means that I will rate a Oolong based on how it stands up as a quality Oolong. I try not to compare teas, rather I work to evaluate them on their craftsmanship, harvest, processing, and qi.

I am most strict with Shou and Sheng Puerh, only because of the vast expanse of various experiences, such as; region, vintage, production, processing, etc.


Middle of nowhere, New York

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