This was a “wow” tea for me.
The dry cake is heavily compressed in some areas and very dark. The dry maocha is long and dark brown with some silver strands. I take in a dry grain with a subtle sweet scent from this cake. I placed a few chunks in warmed yixing and gave them a shake. The aroma that arose from my brewing vessel was of a classic young sheng. I could hint at a sweet caramel syrup with warm grass. I washed the leaves once and began my brewing. These steeped leaves have a strong roasted asparagus scent. The maocha unfurled into long green oily leaves. The taste was fantastic! This is the part that wowed me. The taste is dry and sweet, and there is a slight citrus background. This brew has an aggressive taste that is complex. I even experienced an almost herb mint taste in later steeping. The huigan is delayed but quite potent. There is also an intriguing bitterness that lingers after every sip. This flavor of this brew keeps changing. I can taste a dry herb with lemon one second and then floral with sweet honey. This was a very good sheng session,and I am so happy that I got this brew!
Flavors: Asparagus, Drying, Lemongrass, Sweet, Warm Grass
Nice…am probably going to skip this one. Not because I want to, but have to focus the budget this year and am hoping to buy another one or two instead.
I found a high degree of mouth stimulation from this tea, a tingling sort of activity that was very pleasant. Definitely a great value for the quality. I have a cake of this and the Tuhao.. trying hard to not spend any more at the moment!
I literally cant spend anymore. I decided to just go crazy and buy out spring collections. I’ve know finished my spending (new teaware last night). I have to say this was fantastic and a great value. This had a pleasant bitter tone with soothing huigan. I have Bosch on its way, and I can’t wait.
Definitely a wow tea! :)
Nice…am probably going to skip this one. Not because I want to, but have to focus the budget this year and am hoping to buy another one or two instead.
I found a high degree of mouth stimulation from this tea, a tingling sort of activity that was very pleasant. Definitely a great value for the quality. I have a cake of this and the Tuhao.. trying hard to not spend any more at the moment!
Very difficult to stop, isn’t it? I might want another Bosch so we’ll see.
I literally cant spend anymore. I decided to just go crazy and buy out spring collections. I’ve know finished my spending (new teaware last night). I have to say this was fantastic and a great value. This had a pleasant bitter tone with soothing huigan. I have Bosch on its way, and I can’t wait.
@cwyn, if you ever want some, let me know. I have a bunch ;)
Might take you up on that.