This is what I drank for several years before being exposed to looseleaf tea.
Prepared without milk, it is harsh to the point of being almost undrinkable. If I let it get into the side of my mouth under my tongue, it makes me have a horrible puckering feeling there. Like… sour dirt. If it’s steeped for more than 3 minutes or so, I feel like it’s damaging my esophagus as it’s going down.
Prepared with milk, it’s drinkable but still harsh and not particularly flavorful. But, if it were the only black tea in the world, I’d drink it often (with milk). Still beats out a lot of non-tea drinks.
i belive this was the first tea I ever drank also…yea not very good. Def have to add milk to it. I dont add milk to ANY tea, but you have to to this brand otherwise, i agree….un drinkable!
If you steep it in almost room temperature water it is bearable…