The sample in store was fantastic, light, floral and fruity. My boyfriend bought me a couple ounces (the sales person tried to push more on us, and a tin. It was really awkward) and I got it home and was super excited to try it again. I followed the directions for temp and steep time and quantity and was disappointed to find my cup was watery, weak and just a little bit sour.
I looked around online to see if I could find a better way to brew it, and found on this site that apparently Teavana brews and sweetens their samples differently than they instruct home users to do.
Second time around, I tried more tea and a longer steep time, and was disappointed with an incredibly bitter cup. Then I tried more tea and the original amount of steep time and was back to watery and sour again. So finally, I ended up just straight boiling a gratuitous amount tea for three minutes and adding a little more honey and it’s almost like the sample. I kind of wonder if the sample I tried in store was not in fact a white tea, and perhaps the sales person just gave us white tea because it cost more. Very disappointed. Next time I go in there, I’m going to be a lot more attentive so they don’t lie to me and cheat me.
This tea was not at all what I was expecting and requires too much work to make it palatable.

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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