Following 76 Tea Drinkers

Yang-chu 72 followers

I’ve been drinking Chinese tea since the early 90s when I was a student at Pe...

Gingko (manager of Life in Teacup) 224 followers

Oolong is my love. Other teas are my great interests too. As a tea drinker, ...

Kayla 96 followers

Tea, Gardening, Tarot, Reading

awilsondc 48 followers

Chiropractor, mountain climber, husband, father… chinese tea lover.

yyz 312 followers

Dr Jim 276 followers

Retired engineer/physicist. My ratings will usually be based on multiple tast...

Phi 86 followers

Roswell Strange 610 followers

Hello! My name is Kelly, though many people in the tea community call me Ros ...

Marzipan 292 followers

Mom of two practically grown girls, extremely happily married to a man who is...



Well I figure I should fill this out beyond a joke about picking the pu out of a beeng hole….

Serious pu head, especially sheng. I’m always on the look out for a new and exciting puerh, educating myself in the process. I want to find the best, whether that be something cheap and simple or expensive and complex. Best to me is what brings me the most enjoyment when I drink it. I research endlessly and will freely pass along any knowledge and tea I discover along the way. I do enjoy the occasional oolong as well. I will drink other teas and enjoy them but generally won’t seek them out.

I also post a lot of really bad instagram photos. It serves as a visual journal to what I drink and how my tastes may or may not have changed over time.

As I said earlier I love to share both tea and knowledge so don’t be afraid to ask any questions or inquire about a swap, just PM me!


Long Island, NY

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