35 Tasting Notes
Don’t ask me how the leafs of lapsong are bestowed with that souchong smokiness, but I will attest to indulging my senses fully through drink this tea by Lupicha. There you sit by the teapot and easy wafting smoke appears to be made present by this loose leaf brew. And while you are there the further floodgates open this rich intoxicating smelly tea to your taste buds and it’s not really drinkable three times back to back. It’s still my absolute go to tea during the winter however, so I rate it in high 80s
Gung fu in Yixing Gaiwan
1st 4 sec not overwhelmingly green somewhat fruity
2nd 6 sec the sweetness of peach is condenses and taste more extent
3rd 10 soft green taste with more bitterness very tangerine over peach
additional steeps at 3 min each demonstrates longevity of leafs
Gong FU in YiXING Gaiwan Rishi White Peach Blossom
1st 4 sec the ease flows into a cup of tea and suddenly
2nd 6secs the higher amount of bitterness and equal amount of sweetness adds to the fruit flavor of the tangerine
3rd 10 sec soft peach flavor lots of astringent from the green is exists.
I made extra steeps and I notice nothing different aside from the strength