My first time trying Genmaicha so I have absolutely nothing to compare it to other than my new friend Houjicha Gold, but they are both very different from any teas I have ever tried before. The dry leaves, matcha, and rice had much less scent than either the Houjicha or regular Sencha. The brew is green of course with a roasted rice sent. Very mild compared to the Houjicha – almost hard to taste, but the roasted cereal mixed with that yummy “umami” especially on the bottom of the cup is worth concentrating on. I feel so guilty for liking these two new teas so much, but these are both getting second order. I am excited to try the Den’s Senchas I ordered too, but first must finish my O-cha organic still left in my cupboard.
My second steep was also interesting. The leaves fully unfolded which is an unusual sight for Japanese tea (where you usually have this cooked spinach look to the steeped leaves). The Kyusu smelled delicious. I think I’ll make this stronger next time because I don’t think I used a rounded teaspoon plus my Japanese cup is one of the taller ones and I think I was pouring more 10-12 ounces as opposed to the the 2 teaspoons I used for my kyusu today.
My second steep was also interesting. The leaves fully unfolded which is an unusual sight for Japanese tea (where you usually have this cooked spinach look to the steeped leaves). The Kyusu smelled delicious. I think I’ll make this stronger next time because I don’t think I used a rounded teaspoon plus my Japanese cup is one of the taller ones and I think I was pouring more 10-12 ounces as opposed to the the 2 teaspoons I used for my kyusu today.