Yet another tea I got for Christmas. I’m very happy with the taste, although I do think it’d be better as a cold brew, for a nice refreshing sweet tea in the summer. The taste is an interesting one, and not something I’m much used to, but it’s good nonetheless. The steam and aroma from this tea seems to help with this horrible stuffy nose I’m suffering from lol. My mother gave some of this tea in a little tea sampler that she and my aunt had made. I do like it, but not as much as others. On a scale of 1-10, I would give this about a 7.5 :)
175 °F / 79 °C
3 min, 30 sec
I finally got around to trying this in the past week. I didn’t bother trying it hot. Most of the people who drank this hot are giving it, shall we say, LUKEWARM reviews? Try putting it in a mason jar of water in the fridge overnight…It is MUCH better cold.