Followed by 9 Tea Drinkers

tperez 237 followers

Tea addict since around 2011. My favorites are pu’erhs, blacks/reds, and roas...

Scheherazade 264 followers

Hi :) I’m Sarah, and I live in Norfolk in the UK. My tea obsession began when...

Rasseru 273 followers

Artist, electronic musician, photographer, asian food, vinyasa yoga, chemistr...

boychik 442 followers

I’ve stopped rating teas long time ago. Couldn’t be happier ;D Puaddict flir...

AllanK 396 followers

I am Allan. I live and work in Long Island, New York. I have been amassing a ...

TeaExplorer 152 followers

Joined December 2013 Updated February 2016 Latest News: I brought my cupboard...

kevdog19 35 followers

I like sheng cha. It’s good. I’m not.




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