Following 72 Tea Drinkers

Fuzzy_Peachkin 118 followers

I run, I sing, I drink tea. That’s the best description I have of me. I’ve al...

Short Sorceress 174 followers

I am always interested in swapping so if you see anything in my cupboard that...

moraiwe 175 followers

Intro: Name: Lauren Location: Wisconsin (previously a Chicago girl) Occupatio...

AureliaFish 38 followers

Hello! My name’s Natalie and I’m seventeen. I only got into drinking loose te...

wheezybee 98 followers

Feel free to browse my cupboard if you’re interested in swapping, but all the...

Dr Jim 276 followers

Retired engineer/physicist. My ratings will usually be based on multiple tast...

darby 165 followers

VERDANT TEA lover!!! David’s Tea FAN! Love anything TEAVANA! Still developing...

BrewTEAlly Sweet 172 followers

Hi! I am a 20 year-old from Salinas, California. I attended school in Montere...

MelissaTea 23 followers

This is my cat, Morgan, and a teapot my brother gave me for Christmas in 1995...

Martine 16 followers

I love oolongs (especially milk oolongs), floral teas of all kinds, and the w...



I’m a Floridian living in Kansas and currently pursuing a physics Ph.D. by day (…and by night, who am I kidding?) with an immense love for all things tea.

Rating Scheme:

<50 = Undrinkable.
50-59 = Drinkable, but not my cuppa.
60-69 = Decent, but nothing to write home about.
70-79 = Good tea that I drink occasionally. Probably will not restock when it runs out.
80-89 = Very tasty. May or may not restock when it runs out.
90-100 = Delicious. A staple in my collection.


Manhattan, KS

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