Following 10 Tea Drinkers

Devon Bartholomew 20 followers

I just joined, and figured I would introduce myself! I am Devon, 42. I travel...

Shae 256 followers

Lifetime student. Lover of books and paper and ink. Kitchen dweller. Aspirin...

Cameron B. 343 followers

Hi, I’m Cameron! I’m a 30-something software engineer currently living in Aus...

Roswell Strange 607 followers

Hello! My name is Kelly, though many people in the tea community call me Ros ...

Tiffany :) 57 followers

2024: January sipdown: 24 / giveaways (tea + 1 teaware): 13 February sipdown:...

AJ 181 followers

Disclaimer: I work for Murchie’s Tea and Coffee as a taster and blender. I wi...

White Antlers 66 followers

The most beautiful piece of music to listen to while drinking tea. Or doing a...

Martin Bednář 104 followers

I am drinking almost everything. Tea bag collector who moved to wonderful wor...



Writer and visual artist. Major espresso guy but have moved back to tea after many years “away.” I enjoy both black teas and herbals.
I live in Washington DC with my husband of 8 years (tho been together 20) and our beloved old dog. Originally from Texas and have lived in the Pacific Northwest, Colorado, and Illinois before arriving in the Mid-Atlantic. Having been the beneficiary of the reviews and insights of other Steepsters, I figured I’d put down my own impressions on teas. Also love adding new teas as a way of thanking teamakers for putting their wares out into the world.


Washington DC area

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