drank Tea Earl Grey Hot by ThinkGeek
448 tasting notes

I participated in a Star Trek swap and this was one of the items I received. I believe it is made by Adagio. I haven’t had the best luck with Adagio Earl Greys in the past, and this one was no different. The bergamot is way too strong and I don’t have much of a tea taste. I added in some cream to make it more drinkable. This isn’t the best tea, but I can enjoy it with milk and sugar. The tin is the part I really want anyway!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

At least the trek reference part was awesome!


Exactly! Feeling like Picard every time I drink this is definitely a bonus too!


<3 Picard :)


Oh Patrick Stewart. I love that man.


lol, love the name! i am also insanely picky about bergamot, and tend to dislike it. my defacto earl is ‘the earl’s garden’ from david’s teas. low in bergamot, higher in fruit but still a very nice black.


I might have to try that! I like the flavor of bergamot, but I find it overwhelming in a lot of teas.


well, i have a whole tin that i can draw from in a swap if you’d like (it’s one of my faves so i keep it in stock).

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At least the trek reference part was awesome!


Exactly! Feeling like Picard every time I drink this is definitely a bonus too!


<3 Picard :)


Oh Patrick Stewart. I love that man.


lol, love the name! i am also insanely picky about bergamot, and tend to dislike it. my defacto earl is ‘the earl’s garden’ from david’s teas. low in bergamot, higher in fruit but still a very nice black.


I might have to try that! I like the flavor of bergamot, but I find it overwhelming in a lot of teas.


well, i have a whole tin that i can draw from in a swap if you’d like (it’s one of my faves so i keep it in stock).

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I’ve lived in Hawaii, Mississippi, Colorado, Maryland, Texas, California, and Oklahoma. I’m just waiting to see where we end up next!

My preferences are towards black and oolong teas but I love trying new and/or weird teas! I’m finally learning to enjoy green tea.

We recently moved to about 6500 feet above sea level and I’m still trying to get the hang of the lower boiling point! Any tips would be appreciated :)

I really love swapping, so if anything in my cupboard catches your eye, please let me know!



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