I got in a giant envelope packed with teas from TeaEqualsBliss today! I’m so excited to try all these new teas. I even saw a Verdant tea in there! It’ll be my first time trying out a tea from Verdant. I’ll have to save it for something special.

I decided to start with this. This will be my first milky oolong. I meant to steep it for three minutes. I set my little mesh basket in my cup, and set the timer on my laptop for three minutes. I turned away to finish making lunch. When I turned back, the timer had gone off, but I never heard it! This could have steeped for three minutes and two seconds, or ten minutes! Either way at least it still tastes good.

While hot, this was creamy and smooth, with just a bit of sourness on the back of the tongue at the end of the sip. Now that it’s cooled some down to just warm, the sips are overall more creamy. Though while it was cooling, I did take a big bite of soup that I thought was a lot cooler than it was, and burnt my tongue some. Hopefully it’s not affecting my tastes too much. I’ve never really played around with multiple steeps before, but I think I’ll give it a try with this and see what I get.

185 °F / 85 °C

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I’ve lived in Hawaii, Mississippi, Colorado, Maryland, Texas, California, and Oklahoma. I’m just waiting to see where we end up next!

My preferences are towards black and oolong teas but I love trying new and/or weird teas! I’m finally learning to enjoy green tea.

We recently moved to about 6500 feet above sea level and I’m still trying to get the hang of the lower boiling point! Any tips would be appreciated :)

I really love swapping, so if anything in my cupboard catches your eye, please let me know!



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