Wet leaf scent will immediately strike Koreans who grew up drinking hanyak as well… hanyak. I’ve half a mind to call my childhood 한의사 to ask if white tea aged for 6+ years was part of the recipe.
Taste is very mild if you gongfu, but I forgot I was steeping the last one and the resulting dark liquor tasted unmistakably like hanyak. This isn’t a bad thing. I’d be surprised to meet non East Asians who like this, though. It is probably an acquired medicinal taste.
As a Korean I want to boil the heck outta this tea and see what happens. But if you’ve never had eastern traditional medicine, see if you like it made with short steeps.
It would be fun to experiment adding dried dates and pine nuts and honey and maybe a cinnamon stick . Possibly also goji berries and snow fungus. It is a tea that invites attempts to make it into a complex but harmonious wellness dessert.
수미차 백차
노백차 수미[老白茶 寿眉]
This person seems to know what he or she is talking about: blog.daum.net/puerchalove/7815983?np_nil_b=-2
Flavors: Dates