Halfway through the sample. As of yet not inspired to cake or tong this. It tastes more like an educational bark infusion than a tea. I could not have guessed in a blind tasting that this is a pu at all. It would get anyone into a mood ready for meditation, though, since the latter activity is all about emptying the mind and focusing on one’s breath. This drink does seem to create a surprising amount of space in one’s head, if that makes any sense, more so than other teas. Instead of getting drunk, you enter a quasi state of auto-meditation. Is that something people want from tea, to momentarily fake-transcend all worldly desires only to come crashing right back down again? Then this may be the cake for you. I’m not enlightened enough for it yet. Will have to try upping the ratio of leaf next time.

Flavors: Bark

3 g 2 OZ / 45 ML

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I’ll not adore every popular tea. Nor shall I always prepare it skillfully enough to do it justice and understand it before the sample is gone. Also, my search is for teas that are delicious now. I don’t know yet what will age well.

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