drank Pai Mu Tan by Teaopia
60 tasting notes

Delightful! The taste is super crisp, and kind of nutty. Also, the tea carries many flavors extremely well!

This, and soy milk are completely wonderful together. On its own, the tea is perfect. This was the first unflavored tea I drank. Strongly recommend it.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Music geek, love alternative clothing, fashion, and writing.

I’m usually generous in my ratings. I like a lot of different teas, and I can appreciate different blends. I also really enjoy coffee, but tea is my niche.

On a side note, I’m not that keen on sweetening teas. I will do it where I feel necessary however. I usually mention this in my reviews.


Ottawa, Ontario



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