I’ve been going through my Sweet Indulgence box set that my parents got me for Christmas, and have finally worked over to this tea. It smelt awesome, and then made myself a cup of it. Like most reviewers, I found it smelt completely different from its actual taste. The pink color is marvelous, and it has a beet taste to it alright (which is where the color comes from). The taste of the herbal tea reminded me of “sweet and sour” candies, more akin to sour keys. Mind you, it doesn’t taste like that at all.
The taste was a whole other experience. At the front, you have the sour taste from the beetroot. Then, you get the sweet nutty taste from the almond, apple, and cinnamon. When I first sipped it, I didn’t know how to feel. Now that the cup is done, I want more! It’s a tricky cup to figure out, and honestly reminds me of some of the crazy things that happen in life.
It’s outstanding what tea can remind me of!