drank Christmas Tea by Fortnum & Mason
1714 tasting notes

I get what they were going for here. The clove and orange is very reminiscent of wine mulled for the holiday with a little bit of cinnamon to round out the edges. That part is all fine, but the hibiscus is notched up several levels too many. I get that it adds a tartness which rounds out the flavors of many fruit, but in moderation. Each sip starts off well enough with a warming flavor, then as it reaches the back of my tongue the hib dominates the sip and from the end of the sip to the finish is an alkaline taste that grows to an ashy flavor that lingers. From the moment the tea bag hit the water and the clear bloomed to pink, I feared this tea may be a loss. It feels like there is a lot of potential, but a lot to work on here. Until then… NOPE.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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My name is Dustin and I like tea.

I’m an added flavor kind of tea fan, but have had a growing appreciation for plain. I want my tea to remind me of cookies and cakes with coconut and almond slices with a hint of chocolate drizzled on top. I want dancing ponies and flying monkeys shooting off fireworks! And no hibiscus. Hibiscus is the devil.





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