Another sample tea sent by Ricky! Thanks for the opportunity to taste this tea. This tea smells sweet and intoxicating. I think it may need to be brewed closer to 2 minutes as I got a really strong not so pleasant cup at 3 minutes. I’m not a fan of cream, and that seems to be the main taste on my tongue, I’m getting a pleasant aftertaste of caramel though. I think I’m starting to see why others find adagio’s flavored teas aren’t the best. The base really isn’t to my liking in this one. I do like that it tastes more like a black tea with light flavor undertones. I didn’t need to add anything to this tea. Probably won’t reorder, but will enjoy the rest of my sample.
195 °F / 90 °C
3 min, 0 sec
Haha, I feel the same way =]