This one is a keeper!!! A few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to stumble upon this cake held by a trusted seller I’ve been dealing with lately. I have long been intrigued by this 2005 Six Famous Mountains series, so I did not hesitate to purchase it. The original rice paper wrapper was a little worn after years of storage and it had a few rips in it. It was too tempting – I usually put my puer cakes directly into a special cabinet for aging but in this case I dumped out the loose leaves and scraped more so that I could fill the gaiwan and enjoy a few cups.
That was three days ago and I am now on the tenth steep. This little gem has not yet lost steam. It was a bit smoky in the first three brews (this surprised me a bit). Once I got through to steep #4, it was delightfully smooth, bright and sweet. I have been beside myself looking forward each day to a session with this tea. The cake is now in the cabinet where I plan to let it age for another year before I pull it out to pick off several chunks. I can’t wait!

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec
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mrmopar 11 years ago

Spill the beans on the seller please……

Sammerz314 11 years ago

Sounds very nice hehe

DigniTea 11 years ago

Picked it up at Angelina’s Teas. It was the last one which is why the wrapper was not in great shape.

mrmopar 11 years ago

Lucky lucky you are!

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mrmopar 11 years ago

Spill the beans on the seller please……

Sammerz314 11 years ago

Sounds very nice hehe

DigniTea 11 years ago

Picked it up at Angelina’s Teas. It was the last one which is why the wrapper was not in great shape.

mrmopar 11 years ago

Lucky lucky you are!

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I drink mostly puer and sometimes what we as Westerners think of as black tea.

I no longer assign numerical ratings to teas because our enjoyment of tea is very subjective. Reactions to a particular tea vary from person to person and within the same person across different tasting sessions.

My tea notes are simply comments reflecting my impression at that specific point in time. They are helpful to me and if they happen to be useful to someone else that is good.

For me, tea is magical with its ability to transform by bringing one back to center and inspiring both peace and contentment.
Reformed coffee drinker. Switched to tea as part of my goal to work on living a healthier, more balanced life — haven’t looked back since.

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