Was reading Cavocorax note and all the comments about this one. Based on her comments I had to try it. Went rummaging through my huge pile of BF teas that I haven’t put away yet, and pulled it out.

Hazelnut/chocolate/coffee – I’m not getting tea, not much if any coconut. It’s just a little thin mouth feel, but WOW is it good!!!
You have to like coffee to like this, this is hazelnut coffee. Awesome.
This will likely find a permanent place in my cupboard.

Edit OMG – I dumped the last half of the cup over ice – cooled it off. WOW Iced coffee. This is FANTASTIC cold. It’s like hazelnut Kahlua in iced coffee.

Show 9 previous comments...
ifjuly 11 years ago


TeaLady441 11 years ago

Ok good – I’m happy I didn’t exaggerate how good it was too much!

VariaTEA 11 years ago

Between you and Cavocorax, I am definitely glad this made it into the approved pile to take to Florida

Dexter 11 years ago

…try it cold. :))

VariaTEA 11 years ago

Luckily the Herbal Infusions sampler size is quite large so I will probably be able to try it both hot and cold at least a couple of times.

Plunkybug 11 years ago

Mmmmmm, hazelnut chocolate coffee? Where do I sign up?

caile 11 years ago

Wow – sounds really different and good.

BrewTEAlly Sweet 11 years ago

Hazelnut coffee is my absolute favorite! You both are making my mouth water! Stop it!

Plunkybug 11 years ago

Hazelnut latte with soy is my fave…for coffee.

Herbal Infusions Tea Co. 11 years ago

Haha that was my little secret- pouring it over ice! I was perfecting this blend at the tail end of the summer, and ended up making an iced latte. Almost lost my mind. The other thing I created with this one is a ridiculously addictive slushie. Steep the tea nice and strong, combine in a blender with some coconut milk (Silk is a great brand), a splash of honey or another liquid sweetener, and lots of ice. Pulse. Scoop out into a tall glass and enjoy. SOOOO GOOD!

interesting fact: I worked for years in corporate finance surrounded by coffee freaks. I love the smell of coffee, but can’t stomach it. So this was my solution to bringing a fancy mocha style tea into my life :)


Dexter 11 years ago

I make iced coffee like that – totally works, and this tea would as well. I’ve done it with chai too. :))

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ifjuly 11 years ago


TeaLady441 11 years ago

Ok good – I’m happy I didn’t exaggerate how good it was too much!

VariaTEA 11 years ago

Between you and Cavocorax, I am definitely glad this made it into the approved pile to take to Florida

Dexter 11 years ago

…try it cold. :))

VariaTEA 11 years ago

Luckily the Herbal Infusions sampler size is quite large so I will probably be able to try it both hot and cold at least a couple of times.

Plunkybug 11 years ago

Mmmmmm, hazelnut chocolate coffee? Where do I sign up?

caile 11 years ago

Wow – sounds really different and good.

BrewTEAlly Sweet 11 years ago

Hazelnut coffee is my absolute favorite! You both are making my mouth water! Stop it!

Plunkybug 11 years ago

Hazelnut latte with soy is my fave…for coffee.

Herbal Infusions Tea Co. 11 years ago

Haha that was my little secret- pouring it over ice! I was perfecting this blend at the tail end of the summer, and ended up making an iced latte. Almost lost my mind. The other thing I created with this one is a ridiculously addictive slushie. Steep the tea nice and strong, combine in a blender with some coconut milk (Silk is a great brand), a splash of honey or another liquid sweetener, and lots of ice. Pulse. Scoop out into a tall glass and enjoy. SOOOO GOOD!

interesting fact: I worked for years in corporate finance surrounded by coffee freaks. I love the smell of coffee, but can’t stomach it. So this was my solution to bringing a fancy mocha style tea into my life :)


Dexter 11 years ago

I make iced coffee like that – totally works, and this tea would as well. I’ve done it with chai too. :))

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C.S. Lewis – “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”

I needed to update my profile. I joined Steepster 03Mar13. I am just amazed at how much my tastes have changed since then.
When I discovered loose leaf tea about a year and half ago, I didn’t know anything other than my local Davids and Teavana/Teaopia. Stumbling onto Steepster CHANGED EVERYTHING.
Hello, my name is Dex I’m a tea addict.
I’ve been through the “I need to try every single tea out there” phase. I really hope the worst of that has passed. I’ve learned enough to know that I only need to try HALF of all the teas out there. LOL
When I started this journey, I was all about the flavored rooibos and fruity tisanes. Don’t get me wrong there is still room for dessert (chocolate/caramel/nutty) Rooibos teas in my cupboard and I still do enjoy them, BUT I am quickly learning to appreciate the some of the straight teas of the world.
Big bold (but not icky)pu’erh is suddenly my favorite, followed by woody/roasted oolongs. I’m just starting to explore straight black teas, and have found some that I really like.
Generally speaking I’m not into greens at all, only like the occasional green oolong, and white teas are just too mild for my tastes (unless they are fruit flavored). I still enjoy really good fruit tisanes, but am now cold steeping them.
I don’t like floral/herbal blends, and mint anything is not on my preferred list.
I am still exploring new teas, adapting to my changing tastes, understanding more every day how little I really know about tea. Ultimately I would love to find approximately 50 teas that I just “can’t live without” and always have them in my cupboard. That might not be practical, but that what I’m searching for. It’s going to be a fun journey.

All in all, I love this site. I’ve met some wonderful people, and have gotten to try some amazing teas because of them. It really restores your faith in humanity when you get a note saying “oh by the way I sent you some tea”. Wonderful, generous, people here.


Manitoba Canada

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