This is simply a bouquet of buttery lilacs. It feels like such a luxury to have rich flowers like this on the verge of winter. I particularly enjoy the sweet, rich scent that the leaves and broth give off.
It’s too bad I put off drinking this one for so long. For whatever reason, I thought it was roasted. Good job for reading comprehension, Crowkettle!
I’ll add more insight to this note if anything interesting pops up in later steeps.
Steep Count: 2
Flavors: Butter, Flowers, Grass, Honeysuckle
Yum I keep adding more wishlist items after reading your notes but I never seem to get to buying them.
You’ll get there! I 100% recommend trying out Teavivre if you’re just getting into straight Chinese/Taiwanese teas; They have lots of incentives like a cheap free shipping threshold ($30), and sampler options (2 free ones when you reach free shipping)!
_ It feels like such a luxury to have rich flowers like this on the verge of winter._
Your writing intoxicates me.
I am so looking forward to comparing my perceptions of teas to your insights though I seem to be waffling a bit on oolongs these days and more drawn to my beloved blacks. Or maybe it is that slap across the face from the caffeine that I long for in the mornings.
I’ll see that “reading comprehension” comment and raise you one: at first glance, I thought the tea name was Anxiety Monkey.
gmathis, you brightened my day with that comment and the ensuing imagery! Now I’m going to always pictures stressed out monkeys when I drink “Iron Bodhisattva of Mercy” tea. XD
Evol, honestly, I can’t blame you for not being into oolongs right now. In my mind I know too that it’s really black tea season; I’m just stuck with a cupboard backlog of all my spring an summer oolongs!
Yum I keep adding more wishlist items after reading your notes but I never seem to get to buying them.
You’ll get there! I 100% recommend trying out Teavivre if you’re just getting into straight Chinese/Taiwanese teas; They have lots of incentives like a cheap free shipping threshold ($30), and sampler options (2 free ones when you reach free shipping)!
_ It feels like such a luxury to have rich flowers like this on the verge of winter._
Your writing intoxicates me.
I am so looking forward to comparing my perceptions of teas to your insights though I seem to be waffling a bit on oolongs these days and more drawn to my beloved blacks. Or maybe it is that slap across the face from the caffeine that I long for in the mornings.
I’ll see that “reading comprehension” comment and raise you one: at first glance, I thought the tea name was Anxiety Monkey.
hahhaha, and oddly, some of us know exactly what you mean.
gmathis, you brightened my day with that comment and the ensuing imagery! Now I’m going to always pictures stressed out monkeys when I drink “Iron Bodhisattva of Mercy” tea. XD
Evol, honestly, I can’t blame you for not being into oolongs right now. In my mind I know too that it’s really black tea season; I’m just stuck with a cupboard backlog of all my spring an summer oolongs!