This tea deserves a better note than I’m going to write for it, because it’s awesome and chocolate chili ‘things’ are the best kind of things. Unfortunately I drank up the last of it during what was otherwise a particularly terrible day, so details are getting fuzzy. Good pot of spicy sweet tea, bad everything else.
For me the slight spice is perfect. Chocolate, never being my favourite ingredient in tea is also pretty good. I do have to wrap my head around that this isn’t the creamy, milk infused chocolate, but good old dark chocolate of little milk, a pinch of sugar or honey, and a lot of nip. So, essentially everything you’d want in a dark chocolate chili truffle.
Flavors: Dark Chocolate, Honey, Pepper
omg – i can probably sneak one out for you to try . i bought some for the wedding party. Nearly ALL the gummies are gluten, vegan and dairy free. Just the chocolates that aren’t dairy free…
I really need to start coming back on here more often. I miss kind comments, awesome people, and small motivational things, like chili ginger gummies. XD
I’m sorry it was a bad day otherwise. Bad days usually end though, and I’m glad you have good tea.
there are chili ginger gummies here in toronto…. sooo good.
Sil I must know more!!!
(If I have space, with ALL THE TEA, I could bring some back for CrowKettle!)
omg – i can probably sneak one out for you to try . i bought some for the wedding party. Nearly ALL the gummies are gluten, vegan and dairy free. Just the chocolates that aren’t dairy free…
Yes! I only really care about avoiding gluten. :)
I really need to start coming back on here more often. I miss kind comments, awesome people, and small motivational things, like chili ginger gummies. XD
we miss you when you’re not around… :)
Happy belated birthday!!!
Thank you! :)