The first thing that comes to mind at the first sip, is smooth.

David’s Cream of Earl Grey is true to its name, it’s very creamy, very smooth, but still with the pleasant perfumy taste of the bergamot.

While it’s quite good, the black tea base is a little on the weak side for my preference, the term ‘wishy-washy’ comes to mind.

While it’s a perfectly enjoyable cup, I prefer Infusion BouTEAque’s take on it over this, as it too is creamy, smooth, but stronger.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Hello! I’m a 24 year old Canadian, currently working at Starbucks while I figure out what I want to do with myself in life, haha.

Like most everyone else, I grew up with teabags, and then discovered the grass really WAS greener on the other side with loose leaf. Nowadays I drink nearly exclusively loose, but will drink a bagged tea if I don’t care what I’m having.

My favorite kind of tea is black, and unflavored, although I do enjoy an occasional dessert black. I like whites second best. I’ve recently been dipping my toes into honeybush tisanes, greens and oolongs.

My favorite vendors are Butiki Teas and Verdant Teas. Both have fantastic teas, above and beyond customer service (especially Butiki), and fair prices for their very high quality teas. I can’t recommend them enough.

Purely for tasting notes references, I don’t use any additives for my teas. Older tasting notes for blacks was with milk+sugar, and then with just milk. Whites, oolongs, greens and herbals are all drunk straight unless otherwise specified in the notes.



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