Followed by 17 Tea Drinkers

TeaVivre 545 followers

Hello, I am Angel Chen, a tea taster and tea ceremony specialist comes from F...

tigress_al 294 followers

Hello, I am a nurse. I have numerous hobbies: reading, crocheting, crafting,...

Fjellrev 331 followers

Scheherazade 264 followers

Hi :) I’m Sarah, and I live in Norfolk in the UK. My tea obsession began when...

Kristal 104 followers

I used to drink coffee, but it started to hurt my stomach so I switched to te...

Rosehips 189 followers

I love tea! I confess that I was a hot chocolate lover for most of my life, b...

Roswell Strange 615 followers

Hello! My name is Kelly, though many people in the tea community call me Ros ...

Shae 256 followers

Lifetime student. Lover of books and paper and ink. Kitchen dweller. Aspirin...

rosebudmelissa 121 followers

I drink a lot of herbal tea, and the occasional cup of traditional tea here a...



I’m a mid-thirties tea loving guy on the West Coast of Canada. Only really got into tea in the last 6 years largely because my exposure to tea was always bagged rather than loose before that. It wasn’t long for me to become hooked with loose leaf tea though.

My favourites are fruity black teas, chocolate and dessert teas and fruit/nut blends.

Other interests include films, meditation, reading, writing and computer games.

Working on living healthier and sweet teas are a nice alternative to full desserts and other sugary snacks and drinks for me.

I only rate teas once and use the following spectrum:
100 – Only one tea receive this from me. It’s that good.
95 – Only three teas receive this from me. They are that good.
90-94 – These are top rated teas for me but fall just short of my top 4 or ultimate tier teas.
80-89 – Very pleasant, enjoyable. Would definitely purchase again but wouldn’t necessarily rush out for it.
70-79 – Decent teas. They had their charm while they lasted but I’m undecided about buying them again.
60-69 – Alright teas. Nothing wrong with it, but nothing amazing either. Unless it’s on sale, I won’t buy again.
50-59 – Meh, I can take or leave this. There’s something about it that borders on dislike for me.
40-49 – Sorry this one’s just not for me.
30-39 – Definitely not for me. Wasn’t able to finish it.
0-29 – How dare they call this “tea”.


BC, Canada

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