Home – 11:00 PM
Tonight I made some chicken broth in my Instant Pot. If you don’t have an Instant Pot, you definitely should! It’s basically a combination slow cooker and pressure cooker. So I put a whole chicken in with carrots, celery, herbs, and water and 30 minutes later, I had a fully cooked chicken to shred up plus delicious broth! I’m planning to use the broth for ramen this week, and the chicken will likely find its way into tacos, Buddha bowls, you name it! Anyway, Instant Pot infomerical over. ;)
I ordered New Moon’s Apple Cinnamon chamomile herbal blend on a whim a while ago when I was browsing tea sellers on Etsy. I really enjoyed it, so this time I got a pouch of this tisane as well. I realize now they’re pretty similar, but I love apple cinnamon, so no harm done…
Anyway, this tisane makes me think of warm apple crumble. There’s a lovely oat-y flavor that I assume is coming from the honeybush base. The cinnamon is probably the most dominant flavor, but it’s not candy cinnamon nor is it overly strong. I wish there were a bit more apple, but since this blend doesn’t contain any flavoring I can understand why there’s not a stronger apple presence.
Very yummy, and being caffeine free is a nice bonus. I need more tasty herbals in my collection.
Flavors: Apple, Cinnamon, Oats, Sweet